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Tea from Nabeshimameicha in Takayama

They are tea of Nabeshimameicha in Takayama.


The Shimoichinomachi area in which Nabeshimameicha was founded is close to the traditional streetscape for which Takayama is famous. This is an area that thrived as a traditional merchant’s quarters. When the establishment was first founded, they piled tea on traditional pull-carts and visited each client one by one. They consider it is essential to meet face-to-face and align our approach.
No matter the target consumer or destination, they remain committed to their traditional way of considering what type of tea is best suited to the drinker, and in what contexts.


Hida black tea 


Japanese brown rice green tea


Hida Barley Tea











In addition to above, we deal with green tea from Gifu prefecture.

< Shirakawa green tea >



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